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September 12, 2017 – The European Policy Centre (CEP) is among the signatories of the Platform for Monitoring the Implementation of the Economic Reform Program (ERP) and the Employment and Social Policy Reform Program (ESRP) for the period between 2018 to 2020. During the official meeting, which was held on the 12th of September in Belgrade, the Serbian government and civil society organizations, that are members of the National Convention on the EU (NCEU), signed the document. Consequently, showing their commitment and taking responsibility for mutual cooperation on the priorities enshrined in the Platform.
Milena Lazarević, CEP Programme Director, declared that the signing is “a very important step towards establishing an effective dialogue between the Serbian government and civil society in regard to economic reforms and social development.”
ERP and ESRP are the main mechanisms for dialogue about social policy and employment in the process of European integration. Collectively, ERP and ESPR have brought together the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Policy, Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit, and the National Convention on the EU.
Milena Lazarević also highlighted the fact that the inclusion and participation of civil society in ERP and ESRP monitoring represents, on the one hand, “a responsibility of the signatories to act as a bridge between the government and civil society, as well as to mobilize other institutions” and on the other hand “an excellent opportunity to update the knowledge and capacity of civil society in regard to the aforementioned reforms.”