CEP Infographics The Commission’s Assessment of the Functioning of Democratic Institutions: Adding the Missing Puzzle Pieces 22.09.2023
CEP Briefs Deepening and Expanding the Scope of the Commission’s Reporting of Developments in the “Functioning of Democratic Institutions” in WB6 18.09.2023
CEP Briefs Identifying Inconsistencies in the 2022 European Commission’s Annual Reports for WB6 04.09.2023
CEP Infographics Functioning of democratic institutions: Identifying Inconsistencies in the 2022 European Commission’s Annual Reports for WB6 01.08.2023
CEP Discussion Paper On financial and economic implications of the Staged accession model on the EU budget, and on acceding countries’ budgets 14.07.2023
CEP Discussion Paper Enabling gradual access to EU institutions with the Staged accession model 07.07.2023