
Here you will find the latest news, press releases, and other media-related content related to our organisation and its activities.

We strive to keep you informed about our efforts to achieve our mission. Whether you are a journalist, blogger, or simply someone interested in following our work, we hope you find the information and resources you need here.

You can browse through our press releases to learn about the latest events and developments related to CEP’s work, including our research publications, events, and other activities. You can also find contact information for our media team, who are available to assist you with any inquiries you may have.

We value transparency and open communication, and we believe that a free and independent media is crucial for building a stronger democracy and civil society. We are committed to working with the media and providing accurate and timely information to help inform public debate and decision-making.

Thank you for your interest in CEP and our work. We look forward to sharing our stories and engaging with you.


Anesa Omeragić, Events and Communication Manager

Emilija Nenadović, Assistant for Communication, Projects and Event Organisation 

Book of standards

The CEP logo is a registered trademark and may only be used with the express permission of the European Policy Centre – CEP. The “Book of Standards” section of our website contains guidelines and standards for the proper use of the CEP logo. We ask that all individuals and organisations seeking to use our logo follow these guidelines to ensure consistency and integrity in its representation. Our logo represents our values and mission, and we take great care in ensuring that it is used appropriately and in a manner that reflects positively on our organisation. If you have any questions about using the CEP logo, please contact our team for more information.

