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Implementation of the Environmental Impact Assessment in Serbia in the EU Integration Context

Within the EU integration process, Serbia has to comply with the minimum EU standards pertaining to environmental assessment of industrial and infrastructural projects, as well as planning documents.

These procedures are of immense importance for prevention and reduction of adverse environmental effects connected with human activities. What are the existing institutional solutions and capacities of the public administration with regard to implementation of the environmental assessments? To what extent does the public participate in the procedure? Is the implementation of the environmental assessments in Serbia in compliance with the EU standards? Based on comprehensive analysis, with a focus on environmental assessment of projects at the local level, the study provides answers to these and other related questions and also provides recommendations for further improvements of the procedures.

This Policy Brief was written with Study that was conducted within the project “Think-Act-Impact”, jointly implemented by the European Policy Centre in Belgrade, the Ecological Centre “Habitat” and the association of citizens Serbia on the Move. Project is financially supported by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade and co-financed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of the Government of Republic of Serbia.

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