EU, Western Balkans and COVID-19: Preventing EU’s cold from causing a bad fever in the region

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EU, Western Balkans and COVID-19: Preventing EU’s cold from causing a bad fever in the region

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The COVID-19 pandemic has stopped the whole world, in one way or another. How is Brussels, the „capital of the European Union“, coping with the crisis? How are think tanks, educational institutions and NGOs in Europe struggling with it and how is it affecting their work? Does the EU have time to pay attention to its Western Balkan neighbours now, or is it preoccupied with its own problems? And – to what extent do events in Europe affect the Balkans, whether we like it or not?

To discuss these topics, we have invited Nenad Šebek, journalist and CSO’s and media consultant and Dušan Reljić, Head of the Brussels Brussels office of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP Berlin). Find more about SWP here:

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