Workshop on Staged accession model

A two-day workshop that brought together partners and experts from the region and Brussels was held this week in Belgrade, organised by CEP. The workshop’s purpose was to discuss the policy papers produces within the initiative on further development of the Staged accession model, that CEP implements with Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels, Foreign Policy Initiative, Sarajevo, European Policy Institute (EPI) and Institute alternativa with the support of Open Society Foundation (OSF).

The workshop’s main objective was to further develop the Staged accession model using the perspectives of all project partners. Individual national papers, breakout sessions and discussion were initiated in order to achieve that purpose.

The workshop enabled  the  experts  to  get  to  know  each  other  in  person, with presentations that was featured and different issue papers discussed, and provided opportunities  for  the  experts  to  contribute  for  the improvement of the papers.

The workshop was opened by Milena Lazarević, programme director of CEP and Michael Emmerson, Associate Senior Research Fellow at CEPS, which was followed by the breakout sessions in which the national issue papers of all six partners from the Western Balkans were discussed.