Coordination of Working groups within the National Convention

Within the framework of the National Convention on the EU, a civil society platform that represents the interests of Serbian citizens in all stages of the European integration process, CEP coordinates working groups that cover six chapters, and that relate to the economic criteria in the process of Serbia’s accession to the EU, as well as the Intersectoral Working Group group for political criteria.

The working groups whose work is coordinated by CEP are:

  • Working group for Negotiation Chapter 1 (Free movement of goods)
  • Working group for Negotiation Chapter 3 (Right of establishment and freedom to provide services)
  • Working group for Negotiation chapters 4 and 9 (Free Movement of Capital and Financial services)
  • Working group for Negotiating Chapter 8 (Competition)
  • Working group for Negotiation Chapter 28 (Consumer protection and health protection)

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