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EU Sentiments of Serbia’s Citizens

Unpacking the Motivations Behind the Ayes, the Nays, and the Undecided

This policy brief aims to uncover the motivating factors for EU membership support in Serbia by employing advanced statistical methods. Based on the results, it develops a set of recommendations for a communication strategy and initiatives aimed at boosting citizens’ support for EU membership.

While both personal finances and national economy exert strong influence on people’s support for EU membership in Serbia, it is the national economy that takes precedence. Furthermore, national economy is the most significant driver of people’s EU sentiments. Additionally, the more liberal values a person possesses – more open to change, less religious, and more acceptive of others – the more likely they are to be in favor of Serbia’s EU membership. The results of this research are based on a survey administered to a sample of 1202 respondents in Serbia (without Kosovo*) via CATI (Computer Assisting Telephone Interviewing).

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