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CEFTA and Common Regional Market

Potential game changer for the region

On the auspices of the Berlin Process Summit, WB agreed upon creating a Common Regional Market and tasked CEFTA Secretariat with leading the implementation efforts in trade-related issues.

Despite initial success, underlying issues of political mistrust persisted interfering with substantial change. This policy paper argues that:

  • CEFTA Secretariat should be given executive powers with authority strictly limited to trade-related aspects of the Action Plan;
  • An effective, rules-based, and reliable dispute settlement mechanism should be arranged;
  • CEFTA should closely cooperate and coordinate its actions with regional organisations interested;
  • CEFTA should closely collaborate with civil society organisations in every step of the way;
  • Promotive and informative activities should be implemented.

This paper won the third place in the competition “CEFTA – regional trade area and beyond: Call for Innovative Policy Proposals” which was announced on the occasion of ten years of CEFTA

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